1968 Ford XL Disc Brake System Overhaul : part 4 RPV Residual Pressure Valve
2023, November 14
part 1 - part 2 - part 3 - part 4 - part 5 - part 6 - part 7 - part 8I bought new wheel cylinders but took them apart to inspect and I powder coated the housings since I was doing the calipers.
New brake pads.
New hoses. These were from Brake Hoses Unlimited and they make the rear hose for the Ford 9" equipped '68's (FE optioned cars), otherwise the '68's came with the WER Salisbury axle with a Windsor engine.
A new master cylinder. Now this is an interesting topic, I previously bought two brand new 1968 Disc brake masters and neither of them had the RPV (Residual Pressure Valve) inside them as they are supposed to. However this new one did. This is why you have to check everything now-a-days and I do mean everything. I decided to take a chance on yet another new master to see if it would come with it, otherwise I would have to had added an external RPV. In this case it was going to be that pinkish deal.
This is the RPV in the master for the rear drum brakes.
To remove the flare seat and gain access to the RPV I threaded it carefully with a 4-40 stainless bolt and used a small slide hammer to tap it out. Easy peasy.
This is the part number that had the RPV in it.
This is a comparison of one of the previous masters I bought and neither has the RPV in them. I guess they just forgot. I'll just toss the other two as they are substandard parts.
And yet again, the XL gets another substantial infusion of new and refurbished parts.