1968 Ford XL Hide-A-Way Headlamps Overhaul and Lumen Upgrade : 09 Custom Brackets for Ford Probe Motor
2023, November 14
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11This is the Ford Probe original swing arm and its original ball stud I had to remove, plug weld the hole and redrill the hole closer inward to adjust the stroke of the motor to the XL's headlamp doors. In order to get this looking right I had to be accurate in relocating the hole to 1/2 mm. It took careful measurements and countless assembly and disassembly to get these measurements. It was a pain in the butt. I then tapped the hole for the new stainless ball joint.
New joint assembly and push rod.
This is more or less the complete assembly.
I integrated the Ford Probe receptacle portion of the connector onto the new wiring harness bit I added.
This is how the manual knob is positioned. It's just up inside the bumper, but still somewhat easily accessible. I do have the rubber cap for this and it will get installed.
Looking through the license plate hole. I spent quite a bit of time planning this so it fits nicely and clears the bumper and condenser with room to spare and still all tucked under the bumper.
The top view looks good too.
Going back together. The original grills to this XL were bent, so I used the set from the old LTD parts car and now the grills and headlamps are aligned. This looks so much better.