1968 Ford XL Repairing Whilst Keeping It Roadworthy : 16 Carburetor

2023, November 14

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The secondary diaphragm was changed several years ago and this is one part not in the kit, but it was still good.

Secondary system actuator connected.

New needles and seats.

Now float settings are really dependent on type of float and fuel pressure. But I found setting the floats level with light pressure on the seat usually results in a good float level.

Choke system cleaned.

Ready for assembly.

You can see just how wide the Edelbrock carb is compared to the Autolite.

I ordered an electric choke conversion for this, but for now the stock choke element can be installed.

Splash guards for the cross over passage.

New gasket for the hot idle air bleed.

The little dust guard for the choke lever.

The choke connector was broken and is not included in the kit and had to be ordered separately.

This is the correct fuel filter as it has the flare on the inlet to seal. It does not seal with the gasket.

The sealing seat on the carb.

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