1968 Ford XL Repairing Whilst Keeping It Roadworthy : 69 Large Bearing Ford 9-inch Overhaul - Carrier Assembly

2023, November 14

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I did stake the supports with 1 and 2 dots so they are installed in the same place.

Getting it lined up roughly.

Timing marks aligned.

Torque down the bearing supports.

Differential bearing preload specs.

Backlash specification.

Gear marking grease.

After setting the differential bearing preload and backlash this was the gear pattern. The drive side isn't ideal and too far to the outside edge of the gear.

The coast side appears to be too far inward of the gear.

This is from the 1966 Ford full size manual as it gives a simple explanation of what to do. The 1968 Ford service manual omits this. So I had to change the pinion shim thickness.

After changing the shim and readjusting the preload and backlash the drive side looks pretty good.

The coast side is a little off, but the drive side is the important side.

Here's how I measure the differential bearing preload by measuring the splay of the caps. The rearward gauge is for the backlash.

As you can see it's nothing terribly complicated. All that remains is to apply the adjusting locks and clean the yellow marking grease off.

I use locktight on these.

Both sides adjusting locks installed.

I do not install the pinion seal when setting the gears because the risk of nicking it so now it gets installed.

Oil it and install the pinion and torque down for the last time.

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