1966 Ford LTD Resto-Mod : 004 Engine Build Part 2
2023, November 14
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I bought a new Duraspark distributor for an FE, no more points, and looks like the old point style distrib, but with a pickup in it. I also installed a recurve kit for it.
With a target total and initial in mind I measured the weights in the new distributor and made the adjustments.
This should get me in the ballpark and I can fine tune after the engine is running.
Also installed the recommended cam gear on the distributor.
I had a spot of bother with the new distrib in the bearing plate the pickup was mounted too. There was too much play and lateral tilting allowing the pickup to come in contact with the reluctor.
I had some left over shims from the shim kit for the rocker assemblies and with a little massaging it fit the distrib and made for a smooth bearing plate movement with no tilting.
I detailed it up to match the engines colour scheme.
These are some of the sensors retrofitted onto the FE. As it will get an adaptive ignition and fuel injection system. On the left are knock sensors, middle are the coolant temp sensor and engine oil temp sensor and engine oil level sensor on the right.
This is an example of some of the details I also focused on. The original intake bolts allowed oil to wick up past the rough mating surface of the bolt head and intake. So I replaced those with grade 8 that have a machined surface under the head, then used a soft aluminum washer to seal.
I couldn't find a replacement heater hose fitting at the time, so I had to make a replica with parts I could find.
A new coil for the new ignition system. Like I'd trust a 50 year old coil that most likely the oil has evaporated out of it.
It's slowly coming together.. However with the new rocker assemblies the '66 rocker covers will no longer fit, but I test fitted a pair of '68 rocker covers and they fit. So off to the junkyard.
Less than 20 dollars later.
Now it's starting to look more like an engine.
Another note, I lost some of the pics during this, the alternator and PS pump were among the lost. The alternator I rebuilt, because I wanted to keep the old style case, chances are with a rebuilt I'd end up with the later style.
No messing about, just went with a new carburetor, this is a 750 CFM vac sec, with electric choke. I also purchased a fiber spacer to control heat soak and a fuel pressure sensor for diagnostic purposes.
The rather grungy original 2 jet.
Test fitting.
I'll cover more in part III of the engine build.
Click here to continue to part 5