1966 Ford LTD Resto-Mod : 010 Transmission C6 Rollerization - Tear Down part 2

2023, November 14

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Transmission (Dual Range C6) Rollerization and Build up - Tear Down Part II

Use snap ring pliers and remove it.

like so

While rotating pull forward on the Low-Reverse clutch hub.

Remove the snap ring holding in the pressure plate, frictions and steels of the Low-Reverse clutch.

And remove them all.

Remove the tail shaft housing.

Grasp the tail tail shaft and pull straight out supporting it as it comes out so you do not damage the governor sleeve.

Remove the governor sleeve.

You might have to wiggle and jiggle the sleeve feed and modulated governor tubes free.

Remove the parking gear and its thrust washer.

Remove the kick-down lever nut, lever and shaft.

Remove the neutral-park starter and backup light switch.

Unbolt the manual shift linkage assembly nut and remove the parts.

The parking pawl rod actuator.

And pull the manual shaft out.

Unscrew the vacuum modulator.

Remove the pin the modulator valve from the case.

There's a steel ball bearing holding this band apply pin in place, use a punch to carefully drive the ball forward out the front of the case pump area.

like so

Remove the fulcrum pin and apply lever.

Remove the oil cooler line fittings from the case as there are O-rings that need to be replaced behind them.

more in part III

Click here to continue to part 11